- There she is.
- Fuckin' puto!
You ever heard that old saying,
"Put your foot in your mouth"?
Spit-shine that shoe, boy.
You fuckin' polar bears
are gonna pay, believe me!
Look around you, half-breed.
Onda 's finished!
Carlos works for us now, and every day
he brings more Onda soldiers with him.
You greasers better wise up.
It's a white world.
The coloureds are here to serve us.
From now on...
you're gonna be
my personal errand boy.
- You motherfucker!
- Fuckin' punk.
Go out for a pass, cripple.
Come on. Go deep.
Now you're back to your true nature,
boy, crawlin' on your belly like a worm.
- They put it in my face!
- You have to understand,
your leg is gone, Miklo.
You can no longer be a soldier.
That's why I put you in the library.
It's not what they did to me.
They got no respect for Onda.
We should never
have given up Carlos.
You think I wanted to?
Carlos fucked up, bad!
I'm not saying he didn't,
but he was right about the drugs.
Whoever controls them
controls everything.
You ever seen an old drug dealer, Miklo?
They don't exist.
Look, all we have to do is wait.
In five years, Chicanos are gonna be...
the majority in the pintas
in the Southwest.
This is now,
not five years from now!
What good is it if
we're a bunch offuckin' slaves
workin' for the BGA and the AV-ers?
We gotta attack now!
We gotta take power!
Look, all we've ever been doing is
fighting each other! And for what?
The best of us ending up
in pools of blood...
for a pinche pack ofsmokes
and a snort of coca!
I don't know where
you're comin' from, bro.
A Chicano from Cal State got them
to publish my essay on prison reform.