If I know Red Ryder, as soon as
Carlos does the AV-ers' dirty work...
they'll pull his protection, and
it'll be open season on Carlos Zuniga.
Carlos! No!
- Move, move, move!
- If I'm right,
all hell's gonna break loose.
That's our chance, Magic.
Where there's war, there's opportunity.
What we gotta do is wake Montana up
and move Onda into power.
Montana, nosotros estamosmuriendo.
Que ellospeleen contra el BGA.
No! Listen!
Before we fuck up everything we built,
I have to have a meeting with the BGA.
We're making a horrible mistake.
Can you understand that?
-What, are you blind or what?
-Wait a minute! I said I want you ready!
I'm not gonna waste the lives
ofour soldados for nothing!
First we talk.
We fight only ifwe have to!
The time to strike is now!
lfwe wait, they'll destroy us!
No, Magic! We gotta back EIMero Mero.
If he says meet with the BGA,
we gotta do it.
What are you talking about?
lfwe stand by, we're gonna
watch Onda go down in flames!
Magic, tenemos que darnos esquina.
I want you to hit Smokey!
I want him dead by tomorrow!
And you set up a meeting
with Bonafide.
Geronimo, dile a tussoldados
quese calmen.
Three more Californiaprison inmates
have been killedin gang violence...
bringing the tallyoffatalities
this week to 1 1.
- Aguilar.
- Hey, chorizo.
You still want Popeye Savedra?
- Zuniga?
- They got a hit on me.
I need protection or I'm dead.