Why you hit Montana?
Oh, I dig. The man got his eyes
and ears in the wall.
Don't sweat, brother.
I'm gonna maintain.
Who ordered the hit?
You did.
You did.
With your kite you did, man.
- You did. I got your kite, man.
- I didn't send you nothin'.
- Fu-- You did, man.
- Who ordered it?
You did. I got your comb.
I kn-- I know your design.
- You got my comb?
- Yeah, I got your comb. I opened it up.
I read the message.
I burned it. It was your comb, man!
Listen, man, we've got five minutes.
The warden let me come in here
to talk to you about Montana's murder.
Who the fuck are you to
come here like this? Montana's
none ofyour fucking business.
You've gotta listen to me, Miklo.
Bonafide says somebody counterfeited
his comb and put a phoney message in it
to hit Montana.
- The BGA didn't do it.
- That's bullshit.
- We know the fucking BGA killed him.
- Yeah? Well, the administration
doesn't think so.
And what ifthey're right? You wanna be
responsible for starting a fucking war
against the wrong people?
Listen, man. I know you hate me.
I shot your leg off, and that's
something I'm gonna have to live with
for the rest of my life.
But you're still my blood,
and I'm not gonna stand here
and watch you destroy yourself.
Ifyou start this war, you and your
vatos will be committing suicide.
Now look over there.
You see the warden?
He's got all the firepower he needs, and
he ain't afraid to use it, believe me.
Do you want that?
Ah, you're the man now, aren't you?
Look, Montana left you in charge, right?
Be a real leader, man.
Protect your people. Meet with Bonafide.
What do you got to lose?
I'll meet him in the yard.
One lieutenant each.
No guards around.