I'm sorry.
I missed you, mifamilia.
She put the handcuffs on.
Two days later I come back, she's
got eye hooks drilled in the door.
She's got thongs.
I swear to God.
She absolutely loved it.
She became orange--
You got it. Yeah.
One more. Come on. One more.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
No more! No more, man.
I'm through, okay? That's it.
Ten cents a fuckin' hour,
that spic warden ain't gettin'...
a nickel's worth ofovertime
outta me.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey! What the fuck
is wrong with you goddam people?
Are you-- God damn it,
you stupid fuckin' asshole!
You got it in my eyes! Lousy--