Bound by Honor

You used me.
I tried to save your life,
and you used me to set up the BGA.

They would have come after us
ifwe hadn't got them first.

I did what I had to
for my brothers to survive.

Your brothers!
And what am l, Miklo?

Man, you grew up with me.
You slept in my room.

You wore my fuckin' clothes.
How could you use your own flesh and
blood to help massacre all those people?

I didn't want to hurt you, Paco.
In here you use what you've got.

Without your help,
a lot of carnales would have died.

Don't you thank me.
I hate what you did.

I hate what you stand for.
You know, Paquito,
for a long time I hated you.

I blamed you for everything.
But then I realized something
that changed my life.

Everything you did,
even shooting my leg off...

forced me into my destiny...
made me discover myself,
find my real family, my home.

Inside these walls,
I've found the strength of La Raza.

You got no fucking idea
what La Raza means.

It's about our people out there...
working, surviving
with pride and dignity.

That's La Raza.
Not lying and murdering.

All you got
is your white father's hate.

Still hung up on
my fluorescent skin, vato? Hmm?

He wasn't my real father.
Montana was.

He taught me about respect.
You gotta be willing to die for it.

Like you. Like you not deserting me
after the car crash at EI Pino.
