This is Superintendent Yang
How are you, Superintendent Yang?
Study hard
Yes, sir
You two talk together
Yes, Party Secretary
I didn't think Superintendent Yang...
would be such a pretty girl
You may speak Cantonese with me
Great, I feel much better
We start now Sure
From now on, you're Lin Fu-seng
Age 32, a buyer for the...
Foshan Fifth National Machine Factory
Are you clear?
Your uniform is very stylish
Can civilians wear it, too?
You were with the Foshan Martial Art Team,
Living at 17 Juanyao Village in Foshan...
with your mother and younger sister
Your father passed away in 1978
Poor thing, his father died so young
Are you clear?
Then repeat it for me
I'm Lin Fu-seng, age 32...
born in Foshan, I'm a Mushu...
Machine Factory buyer
Machine Factory buyer
Mushu Pork fryer
Foshan Wushu Team
I live at 17 something village?
Juanyao Village
That's a tongue-twister
And they call you super cop
You have no memory
Lady, it's my first try
Let's see you try it
I just tell you once:
I am Chan Ka-kui
Born on April 7, 1958...
Joined the Royal Hong Kong Police in 1981
In 19...
In 1984, promoted to Inspector Intern
Height, 5 foot 10; weight 73 kg...
Blood type: AB
I'm not clever
I just studied your data
You do the same, learn it well