We're being tracked.
- Jet-star, three o'clock.
- Travers!
Stay put. Don't anyone
jump to conclusions.
- He's coming in too slow.
- No, we're going too fast.
We're too high. Give me 180 knots,
drop to 15,000 feet.
You got it.
Christ. We're losing altitude
and slowing down. Get your weapons.
What the hell are you doing?
I have jurisdiction on this jet.
Now I have jurisdiction.
I said get your weapons!
These are highly trained agents,
Mr. Matheson.
I think you're overreacting.
Just calm down and give me the gun.
- You're out of control.
- What the hell are you waiting for?
He's hijacking the shipment.
What the fuck was that?
- Move into position.
- Look alive, Kristel.
Crossover transfer,
ten seconds and counting.
November 1-2-niner-five Lima...
this is Jet-star
6-8-0 Tango-Tango.
Is frequency secure? Over.
Roger, Tango-Tango.
This is Five-Lima. Go ahead.
We have visual contact. What is
your heading, speed and level? Over.
We're heading 0-8-0
and doing 2-5-0 knots level...
at flight level 2-1-0-niner.
Five-Lima, we're opening up.
Rise and shine, gentlemen.
Let's make history.
Roger, Five-Lima.
We'll begin closing.
Bring your speed back to 1-5-0.
Commence descent to flight level 1-4-0
and turn right onto 2-6-0. Over.