...convened without any idea
of what the president plans to say.
One would speculate that it's about
the charges against Mitchell and Nance.
Those rumors have circulated
on Capitol Hill for several weeks.
It's time to go. Better get inside.
It's set with Duane? Everything's here?
Okay, let's go.
Enjoy the moment.
-Hello, Ben.
-Big day, Bob.
-Thanks for coming.
-I wouldn't miss it.
You know the Claghorns?
Hey, Bob, what do you think?
Put that away.
Let's wait till the speech first.
The House will be in order!
The House will be in order!
Mr. Speaker,
the President of the United States.
Thank you.
Here it comes.
Mr. Speaker.
Members of the Congress.
Fellow Americans.
I wish I could be here today
under different circumstances.
There are many things
about this country we should discuss.