Dazed and Confused

Don, have you ever thought
about why we play football?

How many times have you
gotten laid strictly because
you're a football player?

I don't know.
A few, probably.

A few?
All I'm sayin' is...
I bet we could do just as well
if we were in a band or something.

- Look, I gotta put in
a final appearance, so--
- Wait a minute.

Who you got going
in there? Shh.

[ Whispering ]
Vicky. Come on. Skip out.
Let's go get naked right now.

Come on. Let's go, let's go.
- Mr. Dawson.
- Yeah.

Why don't you take it
somewhere else?

Mr. Floyd, are you gracing us
with your presence today?

- Uh, might as well.
- You know, Ginny?

I was thinking you and I
could get together over the summer.

It'll be legal.
I'll keep things quiet.

I'll keep it mums the word.
I promise. I swear to God.

[ Carl ]
At the party tonight,

- I heard there's gonna be
a girl with knockers this big.
- Bullshit.

- Promise. Two handfuls.
- No way.

Hey. Psst! Hey.
[ Carl ]
Pentico's got his brother's car.

- Let's go. Cool.
- Cool, man.

- Go talk to him.
- I'm not going alone.

- Ask him.
- [ Mitch ] Uh, Mr. Payne? Sir?

Every second that you could
let us out early...

would really increase
our chances of survival.

It's like our sergeant told us
before one trip into the jungle:

- [ Sighing ]
- Men!

Fifty of you are
leavin' on a mission.

Twenty-five of ya
ain't comin' back.

[ Ginny ]
The '68 Democratic Convention
was probably...

- the most bitchin' time
I ever had in my life.
- [ Bell Ringing ]

Okay, guys, one more thing.
This summer when you're
being inundated...

with all this American bicentennial
Fourth of July brouhaha,

don't forget you're
celebrating the fact...
