Dazed and Confused

Hi. No.
Crank it up!
[ "I Just Wanna Make Love To You"
By Foghat ]

- Oh, yeah!
- [ Laughing ]

I don't want you
cook my bread

I don't want you
make my bed

I don't want your money too
I just wanna make
Love to you
Hey, it's the chicks.
Shavonne's still mad at me.

- Watch me get something going.
- Hey, what's goin' on?

- [ Girl ] What are you up to?
- [ Slater ] A little weed.

- There may be a beer bust later on.
- Oh, really?

- Yeah.
- Cool.

- Guess we'll see you around.
- All right, check you later.

Slate, man, why are you
always such a dork, man?

- What are you talkin' about?
- "Check you later."

- [ Chuckles ]
- Get off my case, man.

Oh, man.
Chicks don't wanna hear that shit.

They don't wanna
hear anything, man.

The girls, man, in our classes,
they're all prudes.

- Worthless little bitches, man.
- Oh, my God.

The girls ahead of us were wild.
Our class is worthless, man.

Maybe you've never got past
the sniffin'-butt stage.

Hey, man, it's,
it's quality not quantity.

And wait 'til I get
to college, man.

- I can't wait to get to college.
- Yeah, when I get to college,

all I'm gonna do is
bang, bang, bang, bang!

[ "Love Hurts" By Nazareth ]
Ooo-hoo, love hurts
I'm yours
I know
But even so
- I know I've been
- Hey, Hirschfelder, let's go.

- [ Continues ]
- Let's go. Let's get outta here.
