Oh, man, I heard last year,
they caught about ten freshmen at once.
O'Bannion backed his truck over
some pizzas and made 'em eat it, man.
Idiot flunks his senior year
so he can be a dick two years in a row.
Is that legal?
Damn you, Carl!
[ Don ]
Okay, let me out.
Hey, Slater, you fuckin' hippie,
gimme drugs, man!
- [ Slater ]
Get some from your mother, man.
- We just bagged your mother.
Fuck you, dick-head.
Those guys, man.
[ Chuckles ]
What's goin' on?
I haven't seen you in so long.
Man, what is happenin'?
Long time... no see.
- What have you been up to?
- Same old shit, man.
- Workin' for the city.
- Workin' man, huh?
Been thinkin' about
gettin' back in school, man.
- Back in J.C., somethin' like that?
- Yeah, man.
That's where all
the girls are, right?
On the other hand,
I'd just as soon keep workin',
keep a little change in my pocket.
Rather than listen
to some dipshit...
who doesn't know what
the hell he's talking about.
- You're a freshman, right?
- Yeah.
So tell me, man. How's this year's
crop of freshman chicks lookin'?
Wood, you're gonna end up
in jail sometime really soon.
No, man.
No, let me tell you.
That's what I love about
these high school girls, man.
I get older,
they stay the same age.
- [ Laughing ]
Yes, they do.
- Yes, they do.
- You guys wanna go for a spin?
- Yeah. Shotgun!
- Aw.
- Woods.
- I'm here, man.
- You gonna come along?
[ Sighs ]
Uh, yeah. Why not?
- You boys have fun now.
- Thanks a lot.
Listen, I'm gonna
give you shotgun.
But I want you to know
it's only 'cause I'm goin' inside.