We´ve lost cameras for six blocks.
Go to Century City, 1200 millimeters.
He´s going for
the vehicle´s battery coil.
It´s pure capacitance gel.
The problem is not the defacement
of public buildings or...
...the noise pollution
caused by the exploding devices.
Allow me to explain.
The real problem lies
in the man whose initials...
...mark the detonating graffiti...
...on the streets of our peaceful city.
The man behind the ´´E.F.´´...
...Mr. Edgar Friendly.
For a sadly extended period of time...
...we in San Angeles...
...have been plagued by a pack
of subterranean hooligans.
You will come to know them as ´´scraps.´´
Men and women who have left
the comfort of our society...
...only to spew hostility...
...at the very bottom
they have relinquished.
There was a time when we
used to look upon these scraps...
...as rather pathetic
and relatively harmless.
Now they have a leader.
Mr. Friendly seems relentless
in his ambition...
...to infect our harmony with his venom.
He must, of course...
...be stopped.
This radical terrorist behavior,
led by Mr. Friendly...
...must not be allowed
to undermine our safety.
Safety Above All.
I expect your trust,
confidence and certitude.
Excuse me.