´´Everything in our power.´´
What else is there?
Zachary Lamb...
...how was the fiendish Phoenix
apprehended back in the 20th?
Twelve-state manhunt.
Satellite surveillance.
A video bite on ´´Unsolved Mysteries.´´
None of them worked.
In the end, it took just one man.
One cop.
John Spartan.
John Spartan?
That´s right.
They called him the ´´Demolition Man.´´
Spartan file 98345, LAPD.
Spartan file 98761C, LAPD.
Are you sure this is real life?
Spartan´s a legend.
I´ve been doing a historical study.
Over 1,000 arrests over three years.
All authentic criminals.
There was a lot more business back then.
How do you justify destroying
a $7 million mini mall...
...to rescue a girl
whose ransom is only $25,000?
Fuck you, lady.
Good answer.
This is your recommendation?!
The Demolition Man´s an animal.
He´s clearly the man for a job
such as this. You could reinstate him.
He´s a muscle-bound grotesque...
...who hasn´t worn a shield in 40 years.
Simon Phoenix
is an old-fashioned criminal.
We need an old-fashioned cop.