Demolition Man

The reason you have been released is--
How long have I been under?
36 years.
I had a wife.
What happened to my wife?
Her life was extinguished
in the Big One of 2010.

She died.
In an earthquake.
The earthquake.
I had a daughter.
What happened to her?
John Spartan.
I am Chief of Police George Earle.
We didn´t thaw you out
for a family reunion.

Consider it fortunate that
the lieutenant did a probe on your wife.

This is about you and
the cryo-con Simon Phoenix.

Today Simon Phoenix escaped from this
cryo-facility. We´ve had 1 1 murders...

:36:01 far.
You see, we´ve become
a society of peace-loving...

...and understanding and we are,
quite frankly, not equipped...

:36:10 deal with this situation.
There´s been no deaths of unnatural
causes in San Angeles for 16 years.

The Santa Barbara, Los Angeles,
San Diego Metroplex merged in 2011 .

You are in what used to be L.A.
That´s great.
-You, get me a Marlboro.
-Yes, of course.

What´s a Marlboro?
It´s a cigarette. Any cigarette.
Smoking is not good for you.
Anything not good for you is bad.

Hence, illegal. Alcohol,
caffeine, contact sports, meat--

You´re shitting me.
You are fined one credit for violation
of the verbal morality statute.

What the hell is that?
-You are fined one credit....
-Bad language...

...chocolate, gasoline,
uneducational toys and spicy food.
