You seem very much alone,
John Spartan, but...
...things aren´t all that different.
Perhaps you´d like to hear
an oldies station?
Oh, what a relief it is.
This is the town´s most popular station.
Wall to wall mini-tunes.
You called them ´´commercials.´´
The classic you´ve been waiting for.
The number one request:
´´Armour Hot Dogs.´´
´´Kids eat Armour Hot Dogs....´´
This is my fave!
´´Skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks
´´Tall kids, sissy kids,
even kids with...
´´...chicken pox love hot dogs
´´Armour Hot Dogs
´´The dogs kids love to bite.´´
Someone put me back in the fridge.
You are entering the armory exhibit.
Here you will find displays
in the cabinets and walls....
So sorry. Didn´t see you there.
Sweet baby.
Oh, shit.
This is what l´m talking about.
How do I get in here?
Is there a 15 day waiting period?
Or can I just take one now?
Oh, fuck it.
Mellow greetings.
What seems to be your boggle?
My boggle?
How much do you weigh?
I weigh--