You guys are the boring ones.
There's lots to do.
Oh, really? Like what?
We could practice singing songs.
Or put on a play...
or a puppet show.
- We could bury you alive.
- I could pound your face.
It doesn't matter, anyways, Margaret.
We'll be leaving soon
and we have work to do.
We're going to make a fort.
You can't leave unless I go with you,
or I'll tell on you.
So, tough kitty paws, I'm going.
Climb down from there. I'll get my purse.
This thing's been here our whole life
and we never knew it.
- Do you think anybody lives in it?
- Just squirrels and birds.
It looks kind of junky.
We'll fix it up.
Good. I'll be the decorator.
We'll put on a special room for the babies
and a powder room for guests.
Forts don't have powder rooms.
Where do the soldiers' wives go
to freshen up?
Soldiers don't have wives, stupid.
Don't call me stupid, baby rump kisser!
It won't be a fort. It'll be a house.
A love nest.
Let's go up and see
what color carpet we should get.
Do forts got carpet?
Forts don't got carpet!
They do now, hot lips!