I'll give you 50 cents.
You give me 50 cents change.
-No way.
-Yes, way.
Drink, eighty-fie sen.
You pay or go!
I don't understand "fie."
There's a "V" in the word "five."
No "V's" in China?
-Not Chinese. I'm Korean.
You come to my country, take my money
and don't even learn my language?
You're Korean?
Do you have any idea how much money
my country has given your country?
How much?
I don't know. It's a lot.
You can bet on that.
You go now! No trouble!
I stay.
What do you think of that?
Jesus Christ!
What is this?
The last stand on Fiji?
Take the money! Take the money!
Take the money.
Take your hands away from your...
I can't under... Stop it!
All right.
Speak slowly and distinctly.
Take the money.
You think I'm a thief?
You see, I'm not the thief.
I'm not the one charging 85 cents
for a stinking soda!
You're the thief!
I'm just standing up
for my rights as a consumer.
I'm rolling back prices to 1 965.
What do you think of that?