...but you can't
have everything, right?
Forget it.
Come on, let's go.
Have a nice day, fellas!
Y'all come back now, you hear?
You got a problem, buddy?
You got the problem!
-No, you do, buddy!
-Read the sign!
"I reserve the right."
Now take a hike.
Make me.
Take it easy, Mary.
Take it easy.
-Come on, make your play.
Would you just come on!
I don't need this shit today.
Fucking redneck!
Fucking faggots!
You believe this shit?
Alternate lifestyle, my ass!
Imagine what those pumpkins do
with each other when they're alone!
And what about the muff divers?
Think about it.
Sergeant Prendergast.
She don't have to talk!
What do you want?
I admitted it was a gang!
She don't have to say a word!
I know it was a white guy.
We gotta talk. It's important.
How many guns were in the gym bag?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't see no gym bag!
The white guy took it, right?
More people could get hurt.
Now help me out.
The bag was already in the car
when I got in.
How many guns were in it?
I don't know.
Lots of guns.
They got all the guns
in the fucking world.