Falling Down

Why are you putting
barbed wire on that fence?

Is it a joke?
Is this how rich people have fun?
You put barbed wire on the fence...

...so innocent people like me
can cut our hands?

No, please. I'm the caretaker.
It's just a barbecue.
Dr. Ashcroft has let us do this before.
You don't live here?
Is it really necessary to tell them?
Tell who?
Altmore Security.
Aren't you with them?
No, please!
It's okay, honey.
It's okay, baby.

What kind of doctor lives here?
Plastic surgeon.
Plastic surgery bought all this?
Guess I'm in the wrong racket.
Are there correspondence courses
in plastic surgery?

I lost my job.
Actually, I didn't lose it.
It lost me.

I'm overeducated, underskilled...
Maybe it's the other way around.
I forget.

And I'm obsolete.
I'm not economically viable.
I can't even support my own kid.
