Falling Down

Some G.I. Joe gave a geezer
a heart attack at the golf course...

...and accosted a family
right next door.

A G.I. Joe?
He's wearing the kind of jacket
you find in an Army-Navy store.

I found her!
Trevino, Elizabeth.

Don't tell me.
How'd you know?
Where else would an ltalian move to?
Look what I got.
We got a puppy.
We got a puppy.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Hi, puppy!
No answer at the ex-wife.
-You send the cavalry?
-No, Pacific Division are pricks.

They can't send units to the same
address three times in a day...

...to comfort some hysterical woman.
-What do you want to do?
-Go to Venice.

Get that, would you?
Prendergast here.
Who the fuck is this?
Shit. It's your wife.
Oh, boy. Hon?
Yeah, "hon." I know who that was!
Mr. Peepers just scratched
the shit out of me...

...and I'm bleeding like a stuck pig.
Something important's come up.
What am I? Dog vomit?
Your wife says
she's bleeding to death...

...and you say something
important has come up?
