At this very moment,
she is in our room.
She's waiting for you.
Go on! Go ahead!
You have my blessings.
Is someone there? Si!
There's been a misunderstanding.
Get dressed.
But I am dressed.
Be a good girl. Be civilized.
Put your clothes back on.
Anyway, it's too late now.
I've been here three hours.
I have to go.
Laure? What were you up to?
After 5 years,
you didn't want to cheat on me?
Just a little?
Were you testing me?
I was dying for sex.
Don't surprises
like that titillate you?
Can you do up my zipper?
Alexander, I'd love to,
but I'm in a rush.
Where are you going?
To my parents'. With you.
Greetings, Alexander!
Close the door. Damned drafts!
They say I'm a hypochondriac,
but it is chilly.
I feel weak. Don't you?
I'm still ticking.
That's marriage for you:
two pounds a year.
Laure cooks like her mother.
Like mother, like daughter.
What will you have?
A whisky? A martini?
A scotch.
Have you thought about...
Taking over the family trade?
Quite honestly, I don't think so.
Funeral parlors may seem boring.
But they do have their good side.