that the women who inspired them.
Your delightful nonchalance belong only
to God's most unfettered creatures.
My inagination cannot
embellish perfection.
Herr von Metternich,
will Europe soon be rid
of that horrid Napoleon?
I am weary,princess.
Come to the terrace.
Far from this tumult.
I was badly wounded at Austerlitz.
Sir...you dare come here?
I forbade you to enter the palace
after you doubted
Madame de Fanfan's Virtue.
She is a mother,
but no less a virgin.
Just like her famous precedent.
You dare unsheathe your sword?
Fear not. I am here.
Cad! Slimy scribbler!
No, Prince.
This rogue is known to castrate.
Madame de Fanfan's honor
is as precious...
as my family jewels.
Back! Contriver of vile verse!
Foul-mouthed villain!
Horrid Hell-hound!
Flee, flea!
if cowards had horns,
you'd shame an antelope!
Your Lordship.
spare your chest his sword, for my virtue is...