All right, lunch!
Not too bright!
Can't hear you.
Hey, knock it off, Dallis!
I said lunch!
- Hey.
- Hey, bud.
What do you say we do a little fishing
when the contract's over?
When this contract's over, huh?
Come on, it's what we need.
One of our camping trips.
Some hunting, some fishing,
chasing bears.
Oh, yeah, I remember.
You ran that bear up that tree.
I was just trying to make friends.
So how come you can't
make friends with Dallis?
He's just jealous
I can do something he can't.
- Oh, yeah? What's that?
- Read and write.
So, what do you say, man?
A little R and R, and then MT Motors.
You think I'm gonna let
a flake like you marry my little sister?
A flake from Snowflake. How poetic.
I like that.
Yeah, that's just my point.
What's your point?
You're a dreamer.
And you're not ready for marriage.