- He's dead, jackass!
- We gotta go back.
- No!
- No way. What are you talking about?
No, maybe we do gotta go back.
Maybe we gotta go back!
- No way! No!
- No way, man! No!
We don't know that he's dead yet.
- Get out of here! Let's get...
- What are you talking about?
I'm going back! I'm going back!
If you don't wanna go,
get out of the car now.
I'll come pick you up later.
- You can't do this to us, man.
- What if you don't come back, Mike?
Get out.
Go, man. You gotta go. Get out.
It'll be all right. You stay by the road.
Son of a bitch.
I searched the woods and...
But he wasn't...
There was nothing...
They took him.
You expect me to believe
that a flying saucer came down
and took your friend away
to outer space?
That's the truth, mister.
That's exactly what happened.
Is it?