And now we're ready to prove it.
We'll take your damn
lie-detector test.
You set it up, we'll be there.
You go ahead.
And if any of you got anything to say
about me or my crew,
you say it now,
and you say it to my face.
Mike, whose idea
was the lie-detector test?
Was that yours or the sheriff's?
- Did you kill Travis?
- Did you really see aliens up there?
- If you killed Travis Walton...
- Give him some room.
Give him some room.
Back off, back off.
You were told to be here at 9.00.
Yeah, well, we weren't.
Fellas, meet Cy Gilson.
Came all the way from Phoenix
to be sure that you get a good test.
Yeah, and how do we know that?
I guarantee it.
Words are cheap.
Yeah, you say the test will be good.
How do we know it's gonna be fair?
I give my word.
We can't trust anyone, man.
Everything we say
has been twisted all to hell.
That's for sure.
This whole town wants to see us fall,
Blake, you know that.
Frankly, I don't care
whether you pass or not.
If you're lying,
my machine will show it.
If you're clean, it'll show that too.
How do we know
you ain't been bought off