Water! Water!
Somebody get him some water!
- Hey, man, it's gonna be OK.
- Water.
Everything's gonna be
all right, Travis.
Hey, Dana's right here.
Travis. Travis.
Travis, it's OK.
This must be them.
They're here.
Five days, man.
It's been five days.
Travis, everybody's
been looking for you.
- Hundreds of people.
- Come on, hurry up.
I think a lot of prayers
have been answered.
I can't believe we found this place.
Where is he?
We're gonna need a urine sample.
Urine sample?
Mike, don't let them touch him.
- Back off.
- It's OK.
Back off, man. He knows his stuff.
It's a wise thing you called.
This is a very critical time.
Hey, come on in here. Get a picture.
Get some pictures here. Pictures.
Mr. Walton?
Mr. Walton, my name
is Jarvis Powell.
Now, can you...? Can you tell us
how long you've been back?
- Let him.
- Here, get this thing started.
Hey, we need to get him to a hospital!
- Quiet, please.
- Calm down.
- Mr. Walton.
- Calm down, man!
Mr. Walton. Mr. Walton. Back up.
Mr. Walton, did you make contact
with aliens?
Were you taken to another planet?
To a mother ship?
- How did they communicate with you?
- Just stop it! Just leave him alone.
What is this?!