Hey, man, how you doing?
Hey, I'm not supposed
to be in here.
Your ma's out front.
She can't wait to see you.
But they said we weren't
supposed to be coming in here.
I guess they don't think
you're ready to see visitors yet.
Boy, was I glad you showed up.
I really missed you, buddy.
You know, they had a search party
out for you for days.
They thought...
They thought that
we had killed you, man.
They were ready to lynch us.
Can you imagine that?
These jerks actually thought
we killed you.
Kate and I aren't doing so good.
Not that we were ever doing
that great, but...
I don't think we're gonna make it.
But Dana, she sure loves you.
She's been a basket case.
I was pretty broken up, too.
When I came back up there
and you were gone...
...I can't tell you how awful I felt.