Fong Shi Yu II: Wan fu mo di

Still wanna play?
The sword!
After them!
Wait! Watch out! There may be a trap.
let's go back to the headquarters.

Welcome, Chief...
l thank you for hard work
during my leave.

Let's hear the business
of our various enterprises.

Some reports, please.
Chief, we developed a fishing ground
near the seaside...

Made quite some money.
The pigs in our farm...
each has give breed
to 20 or more piggies.

Not bad at all.
l truly feel that the Red Flower Society
is like a family.

Chief, the land we brought last year...
Chief, let's have a celebration party
for our good business.

This is the result of
the hard work of the people.

There's a flood in the east.
Let's donate these monies to the refuge.
l wonder how much time
it'll take me to be Chief?

You wanna be Chief? lt's a hell of a job.
lt's worth it. What dignity and prestige!
Chief, may l have the honour
of your naming my new-born kid?

l've been waiting for your return.
No problem.
What a lovely kid!
Taian sounds like a good name.
lt means prosperity and wealth.
