Your thoughts
will be with me ... always.
Put your heads in. Now!
Prepare intestinator tagging.
You are about to be outfitted
with intestinators.
Men-Tel's automatic
behaviour-control device.
Observe all rules.
Be especially observant
of the yellow and red lines.
Crossing a yellow line
will result in pain.
Crossing a red line
will result in death.
I have an iIIness.
It's caIIed cIaustrophobia.
- It's a reaI iIIness!
- Don't do this.
Remain in line.
Do not cross the yellow line.
Nobody's Iistening to me!
I have a note from my doctor.
- Yellow is pain.
- I cannot stay here! Listen!
The intestinator
is now in pain mode.
Turn it off!
Do not cross the red line.
Red is death.
I toId you. Dead on arrivaI.