Come with me, please.
No fucking way!
We're not taking any more in here!
- We've got a crowd in here now.
- Complaining is a violation.
- So is overcrowding.
- lntestination starts in 5 seconds.
No, come on.
AII right, big mama, come on.
The more the merrier.
- 5 seconds to enter cell.
- Come on in.
- What happens if you waIk out?
- Try it.
What's your probIem?
Laser perimeter intrusion.
Step back, please.
Smart fish. Very smart.
- You'II have to pay the rent.
- I do my own time.
There's aII kinds of time.
Think about it.
You don't pay the rent,
me and Maddox come and get it.
Is that you?
No. Maddox is hard to miss. He's got
a 1 8 7 tattooed on his forehead.
Do you know what 1 8 7 means, fish?
I bet it's not your I.Q.
1 8 7. Murder statute.
He's doing the big bitch.