- He tried to escape. Big mistake.
- A mistake is what you make it.
Nobody makes it out of this pIace.
Don't beIieve
everything they teII you.
Leave me aIone! HeIp!
Private party.
Violence will not be tolerated.
Maddox, Brennick and Gomez.
You will be released from solitary
when the perpetrator is revealed.
I can't stand here any more.
- I've got to get out of here.
- Then fry, you IittIe fuck!
Come on, you can do it.
Are you ready
to identify the perpetrator?
- I've got to get out of here.
- Think about being strong.
I am.
- TeII them ... you're dead.
- Shut your mouth.
I'II shut yours ... permanentIy.
9 1 57 64, are you ready
to identify the perpetrator?
No ...