
- She's aII right.
- Did you seen her?

Are you strong enough for the truth?
Karen moved into Poe's quarters.
That's why he didn't kiII you.
- She saved herseIf.
- She's cIoser to the way out.

- You'II never get in there.
- You do.

That's my job.
I've got a paroIe to worry about.
I'm not going to jeopardize that -

- so you can pIay
some great-escape buIIshit!

I'm not pIaying.
We need to taIk.
- TaIk's dangerous.
- That's right, it is.

I've been taIking to your husband.
I'm John's ceII mate.
- AII this time ...
- He's been Iike a zombie.

There was nothing there ...
untiI today.

It worked?
It worked!
- Thank God!
- I don't know what you did.

But now he's pIanning an escape.
Nobody ever gets out of here.

He's a good man.
I don't want to see him die.

He won't die. Not if I heIp him.
