Free Willy

You got any leftover scraps...
...I could take off your hands?
Might have.
I got a friend named Willy.
Why would he want scraps?
- He's a whale.
- A whale?

Hey, Jess!
I'll meet you up there.
What's up?
New clothes. New gig?
- I'm staying with some people.
- Cool.

What happened?
I saw you get popped.

Not much.
Had to clean up all our mess.

I'm working there now.
They looking for me?
It's a total drag, man. Sorry.
No sweat. Where you been staying?
Dayton set me up.
Working for him now.

Looking out for cops and stuff.
I mentioned you to him.
I can hook you up if you want.

I got to think about that.
Snooze, you lose.
Stop by sometime.
See you. I got to bail.
- See you.
- Later.
