That will not happen.
All Apache should not be punished
for the mistakes of only a few.
We will determine who is responsible
and only those few will be punished.
Six weeks after I took up residence
at Turkey Creek, Lieutenant Gatewood...
...and AI Sieber came to visit.
Sieber, as Chief of Scouts, was in charge
of recruiting Apache for the Army.
Hello there, Mangas.
Just the fellow I want to see.
I want you to join the Army, all right?
Wolves with blue coats,
scouts to help us fight the renegades.
You'Il be a sergeant, wear a blue coat,
stripes on your coat, with Army pay.
I don't know, Sieber.
Well, you are a warrior. You hunt men.
You'Il make your woman,
make your children proud of you.
Mexicans, they took my wife, my little boy.
Maybe the Army could help get them back.
I think maybe I stay here.
If I was asking you out on a raiding party,
I expect you'd be a lot more willing.
Federal government had forced
over 500 Chiricahua...
...to take up residence
within Turkey Creek's narrow borders.