Geronimo: An American Legend

Corn was the main crop, but the land
was not fertile enough to be self-sufficient.

The Chiricahua became dependent on
government supplies for their well-being.

Gatewood. You come to visit me.
Makes my heart glad to see Geronimo.
How's the life of a farmer?
Some Apaches are good farmer.
Others miss the old way.
I'm not good farmer, Gatewood.
I have come here to visit my friend...
...but I have some questions
I need to ask you.

There are rumours that a medicine man
is speaking against the White-Eye.

That he is calling for a return
to the war trail.

It was told by a medicine man...
...many more Apache would die
fighting White-Eye.

And in the end...
...we will win because we will die
free of them.

Is the only way for an Apache to be free...
:31:30 die?
Well, which medicine man is this?
I should talk to him.

Find out what he's saying.
There are many.
Some have the power.
Some just talk.
He's a warrior.
Every bit born in battle.
Fighting a lost cause.
