I want to stay an extra second
in Punxsutawney? Please!
Rita thinks it would be great to stay
for some of the other events...
get some incredible footage.
The people and the fun,
the excitement.
You haven't worked with her yet.
She's really nice.
She's gonna be a really good producer.
You guys will have fun.
She's fun, but not my kind of fun.
I will be here for the 5:00. Rita.
Can you keep a secret, Larry?
I'm probably leaving PBH.
So this will be the last time
we do the Groundhog together.
What's wrong
with the Groundhog Festival?
In San Diego, I covered the swallows
returning to Capistrano six years.
Someday somebody will see me
interviewing a groundhog...
and think I don't have a future.
I think it's a nice story.
He comes out,
and he looks around.
He wrinkles up his little nose.
He sees his shadow or he doesn't see it.