Within reason.
Would you like to have dinner
with Larry and me?
No, thank you.
I've seen Larry eat.
Get your sleep.
I'll see you in the morning.
Don't be late.
Did he actually
call himself "the talent"?
Okay, campers, rise and shine.
Don't forget your booties
because it's cold out there today.
It's cold out there every day.
What is this, Miami Beach?
Not hardly. You can expect hazardous
travel later with that blizzard thing.
"That blizzard thing"?
Here's the report.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
They are. But there's another reason
why today is especially exciting.
Especially cold.
The big question
on everybody's lips--
On their chapped lips.
Do you think Phil will come out
and see his shadow?
- Punxsutawney Phil.
- That's right, woodchuck chuckers.
It's Groundhog Day!
- Get up and check that hog!
- Come here, groundhog!
Good morning.
- You off to see the groundhog?
- I am.
Do you think
it will be an early spring?
I'm predicting March 21.
Good guess.
I think that actually is
the first day of spring.