Lincoln High School.
I sat next to you
in Mrs.Walsh's English class.
I'm sorry.
- That's amazing.
- You don't remember me, do you?
I even asked you to the prom.
I was short,
and I've sprouted.
Gosh! How are you?
You look terrific.
You look very terrific.
- I have to do this report.
- Are you a reporter?
I'm a weatherman
with Channel 9 Pittsburgh.
I should have known.
That's great!
Maybe later we could--
Stay right here.
Promise me?
I'll be right back.
Wish me luck.
Good luck!
Who's Rita?
How should I know?
Is this some kind
of one-night stand?
On the contrary, Nancy.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
This is gonna seem sudden, but...
Nancy, will you be my wife?