Groundhog Day

It always makes me think of Rome,
the way the sun hits the buildings.

What shall we drink to?
To the groundhog.
I always drink to world peace.
Can I buy you a drink?
Sweet vermouth,
rocks with a twist, please.

For you, miss?
The same.
That's my favorite drink.

Mine too.
It always makes me think of Rome...
the way the sun hits the buildings.
What shall we drink to?
I like to say a prayer
and drink to world peace.

To world peace.
- This is wonderful.
- Didn't I tell you?

How do you know so much
about Punxsutawney?

I've spent a lot of time here.
- Small town people are more real.
- That's how I feel.

Would you like some white chocolate?

- Don't make me sick.
- No white chocolate.

There is something familiar
about this.

- Do you ever have deja vu?
- Didn't you just ask me that?

People place too much emphasis
on their careers.

I wish we could all live
in the mountains at high altitude.

That's where I see myself
in five years.

- How about you?
- I agree.

I like to go with the flow,
see where it leads me.

It's led you here.
