who was kneeling beside a coffee table
counting out stacks of $100 bills.
And will you tell the jury
how you knew of this...
Therefore, with probable cause,
you applied for a warrant?
- Yes, sir.
- Which Federal Judge Griffen granted.
Thank you. Your witness.
Agent Powell, as you know,
my client, Ed Lombardo,
- is charged with extortion.
- Yes, ma'am.
Did you observe Richard Colbert
when he first entered the hotel?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Was he carrying anything?
- No, ma'am.
- Why not?
We didn't want him to know
that we were there.
So Richard Colbert
could have conceivably brought
the $125,000 in with him.
He could or he could not have.
Your agency has a well-deserved
reputation for thoroughness.
Did you also investigate
Richard Colbert's background...
to ascertain why he might have
been carrying such a large sum?
- The man gambled.
- l'm sorry. l didn't hear that.
that Colbert came there
that night to place a bet?
Agent Powell, hadn't a division
of your task force been trying
to link Mr Lombardo...
- We have.
- And in those circles,
$125,000 would not be considered
an unusually large wager.
- Am l correct?
- l heard of bets like that.
And wasn't your arrest made just
two days before the Super Bowl?
- Yes.
- Agent Powell, did you--
- l've got everything l need.
- You're sensational, Counsellor.
- What would it take
to keep you on retainer?
- A lot.
Here's the situation:
The FBl had a Title lll wiretap
authorization, all right,
but it expired five days
before the arrest.