Not good enough.
Miss Haines,
my wife was a very sick woman.
Two years ago she had to be
institutionalized for seven months.
Clinical depression.
And she swore that she'd get back at me
even if it meant from the grave.
And now, thanks to her
letter writing skills,
l might just spend the rest
of my life behind bars.
- There was a letter?
- Yes.
lt arrived at the State's Attorney's
Office the day after her death.
They wouldn't let me see it,
but they made it pretty clear...
Where did you go?
Do l have to answer that?
l promise, nothing you say
could lower my opinion of you.
All right.
l met a very nice lady
at the bar at the Drake.
She had some clean shirts at
her place; so many of them do.
And they always seem to fit.
Terrible picture, don't you think?
Do you know that there
are some women that are...
always attracted
to men the same size?
l'm counting on you to arrange that.
l have someone at the State's Attorney's
Office you can surrender to...
without a lot of media coverage.