l can't tell you
what this means to me.
You're the only one
that believes l'm innocent.
- What about Miss Haines?
- Oh, God, Miss Haines!
She said she'd defend me
even if l was guilty.
- That's her job, isn't it?
- l don't trust her.
See, people like us, Miriam,
we're-- We're warm people.
But she's a--
She's an attorney!
Don't you talk to her about us.
Don't discuss anything with her.
- Do you understand?
- She's awfully attractive.
Not to me, she's not.
All she cares about is winning.
She's like a goddam machine.
She did get you out of jail.
lt's what you wanted.
No, baby.
This is what l wanted.
- Just to your right, ma'am.
- Thank you.
- Hello. Yes, l'm here
to see Mr Greenhill.
- Oh, yes.
Good morning.
Thanks for coming.
Really nice of you to meet here
instead of at the office.
Must feel good to be home.
lt does kinda.
l'm trying not to think
about that window.
That is what you came to see,
isn't it? That window?