Listen, there's a--
There's a woman here, Selma Hanks,
who died here after
she overdosed on sleeping pills.
And another woman in Boston, who, uh,
well, she's on life-support systems...
after she O.D.'d on something.
And they're both
former lady friends of his.
He fixates on a woman and then--
He won't hurt you now. He needs you.
But, Moe,
he's planning something.
Now, look, Jen, you--
You be careful of this guy.
Moe, he had to have been
able to get back upstairs...
to kill his wife
with no one seeing him.
Oh, what did l do right?
Oh, l didn't feel
like being alone tonight.
That bastard.
He's really starting to get to you.
How can l help you?
You can't.
Thank you.