ask at the shelters,
but, um,
get somebody who knows the city
to show you around...
or l'll be filling out
one of these on you.
Hey, you're welcome.
All right,
pipe down and listen up.
We got 12 positions this morning,
Able Seaman or better.
When l call your name, come into
the office, show your papers,
and you'll get your ship.
Here we go. First man,
Gombas, Luigi. Able Seaman.
- Right here.
- Walker, Steven. Second Engineer.
- Hi.
- Leslie, Francis R.
- They told me at the cafe
that you might be down here.
- Seeler, D. Master.
l need to talk to you
about something.
- l don't think this is a good time now.
- Walters, Nichols D.
- Yeah.
- Able Seaman.
How'd you, um,
like to work for me ?
- l'll pay you $100 a day.
- Third Mate. Stevens, Frank G.
- For doing what ?
- For $100, does it really matter ?
Actually, it does.
Yeah. lt does.
Look, l really need you
to help me find someone.
Jales, Bill. Cook.
You know this city, you obviously
can take care of yourself.