Yeah-- Aah ! Shit !
Goddamn it.
What ? Not now.
So-- So, you in 'Nam ?
a long time ago.
lt seems to me a man with
your obvious experience...
should be pullin' down
a lot more money.
You're gonna pay me 100 bucks
to fill out a form ?
l'll pay you a lot more than that
if you got the experience.
What kind of experience ?
Well, maybe you ain't interested.
Uh, no.
l'll fill out
the application.
You got any family ?
Anybody to worry about you ?
Friends ?
Anything like that ?
l got nobody.
You'll deposit
$500,000 in our account...
in a bank
in the Cayman lslands.
Do not refer to
our agreement by telex...
or in conversations
on the phone.