Government soldiers came to our village
with the support of American advisors.
Your village will be safe.
They built barricades
against the Viet Cong.
It's part of the new Binh Ky hamlet.
Many of you will be asked
to take militia training...
...so you will be prepared...
...to resist the Communist rebels!
You will be rewarded...
...with food and money.
Your older children will be sent to camp...
...for military training.
But younger children can go to school.
Your village will be happy and peaceful.
Do you have any questions?
Go to your leader.
The soldiers ate our food,
slept with our women...
...and searched us just as the soldiers
of the warlords had centuries before.
But the government leader, whose name
was Ngo Dinh Diem, America's ally...
...was a Catholic, like the French...
...and that alone made him suspicious
to the Buddhists in our area.
The Northern leader, Ho Chi Minh...
...had been a great patriot
against the Japanese and the French.
We heard stories of his compassion
and his love for Vietnam.
What are they? Americans?
They say they all have blind blue eyes
behind their glasses.
If you take their shoes off,
they have soft feet and cry in pain.
Take away their glasses,
their boots, they can't fight.
Not very good soldiers.
Not very good fence.
Your president, Ngo Dinh Diem,
wants to know...
...what will you do if you see a Viet Cong...