Heaven & Earth

The boy's Catholic, like you.
I'm a Buddhist.
I see.
Le Ly, I have another explanation.
I believe the father of your baby
is my husband.

Oh, no! Anh.... I mean the--
You know I'm not well.
But I have given my husband sons.
Beautiful boys.
As fine as any woman could've given him.
Don't think...
...you won't pay for what you've done.
You and your daughter
must leave the house at once.

But why?
Nobody knows but you.
Let people think the father is some soldier.
I know, and that's enough.
Men are like dogs pissing on posts.
They go once, they go twice.
But Bay Ly's no threat to you.
She has nothing for a proper man.

She's just a country girl.
An ignorant, stupid, foolish child.
A maid that will never be a bride.
She's nothing! Worthless!
Absolutely not.
I won't have her in my house.
Not as a nanny.
Not as a housekeeper.
Then as number two wife!
You're crazy.
As concubine to the Master.
As your slave to kick around.
To warm your husband's bed
when you have better things to do.

Why waste your health on a man's rutting
when you can leave it to a stupid girl?

You're always number one wife.
The law is on your side.
-Please, Mama!
-Stupid, stop!
