Heaven & Earth

I can't live without you!
They got me so tied up.
Who's doing this to you?
The Marine Corps.
I'm not going to get the civilian job
I promised you.

I'm up for an Admin Board,
and they're going to kick me out.

You don't know the half of it.
You don't.
Tell me.
You must tell me all.
You'll feel better.
I'm a killer.
I killed so many over there.
I got so good at it...
...they assigned me to the projects.
Black Ops.

We killed sometimes three or four a night.
All kinds.
Rice farmers.
Rich fat cats bankrolling the VC.
It was a complete mind fuck.
Psy Ops, knives, rip a man's guts out...
...drop his liver on his chest
so he won't get to Buddha heaven.

Leave him lying on the road.
Cut his nuts off...
...stuff them in his mouth,
sew up his lips, leave him lying in bed.

Blame the VC. I didn't care.
Drugs, running guns, slavery.
You name it.
One time this guy killed a gook girl I was...
...shacking with.
We weren't supposed to fraternize
with any Viet nationalists...

...so they killed her.
Cut her throat from ear to ear.

I was in hell, baby.
I was in pure...
And maybe I went dinky dau over there.
Maybe I am nuts. Who the fuck knows?
