...for his karma and the bad karma
of the soldier who killed it.
But we must never use our emotion...
...to deny the wheel of incarnation
that caused the act.
It is as natural...
...as the movement of the sun...
...and moon.
...how can I tell him we must be friends
and soul mates...
...without being husband and wife?
He has created much soul debt for himself.
But if you fail to give him the opportunity...
...to redeem himself...
...you will only increase you own soul debt.
The man-hate...
...that blinds you...
...will blind any man you find
in a future life.
If you turn Steve away...
...you will be rejecting
your own redemption.
...you have forgiven the man
who raped you...
...destroyed your country...
...harmed your family.
This is how it should be.
Your karma is mixed with Steve,
to Tommy and Alan.
The future...
...the past...
...are all the same.
If you divorce...
...you will only have to come back
and work it out again.
The path to Nirvana is never being safe...
...but tricky and steep.
And if you walk only on sunny days...