but pretty soon
it landed me behind bars.
- [ Gate Slamming Shut ]
- But I don't like to talk about that.
Let's talk about after that
when I got my second chance...
and my name.
You see, this family came along...
and, I guess you could say,
they rescued me...
'cause they adopted me and brought me
to live with them at their house.
But it was their home, not mine.
Still, it sure was an improvement over,
well, over that other place.
Lots of space, fresh air...
plenty of interesting things
to explore...
and all the underwear
I could eat.
[ Snarling ]
- [ Female Voice ] Chance.!
- Sassy?
You've just woke me up
from a very deep catnap.
What's the matter, Sassy? You get up
on the wrong side of the litter box?
Even a very great beauty
needs her beauty sleep!
Beauty sleep? You'd have
to sleep for like... a month.
Oh, you are such
a typical dog.
[ Chance ] Indeed. The house was
full of new clothes to be shredded...
on account of
the family was growing.
You see, Bob was joining
the family by marrying Laura.
- Her little girl was Hope.
Hope belonged to Sassy.
The little boy,Jamie,
was supposed to belong to me,
but I didn't need anyone else.
- I was a loner.
- Ew!
[ Hope ]
[ Chance ] Still, I had to admit it,
he did have a lot of very good ideas.
He was the one
who named me Chance.
Laura's older boy was Peter.
He belonged to Shadow.
Shadow was faithful.
Shadow was loyal.
Shadow was a chump.
Hejust sat down there while
I had all the fun upstairs.
Chance, stop!
The blouse is dead.